Create a job code

The job code field can be used for the following:

  • To list job duties in the job duty section of a review.
  • An alternative field to exclude an employee from a review cycle.
  • Create groups to automatically assign a review template.

Please note that the job code is a separate field then job title and will not update regardless of integration with Premier. For more information about integration between Insperity Premier and PerformSmart, please click here.

Step 1: Navigate to Jobs

Under the Administration tab, select Jobs in the left-hand menu.

Step 2: Create a new job code

In the Tool Box, click the green circle button to create a new job code.

Step 3: Enter new job code details

  1. Enter a unique code to identify the job code. This can be numbers or letters (required).
  2. Enter the name for the job code (required).
  3. Enter the duties associated with the job (optional). Please note this field pulls in the section titled “Job Duties” in the review.
  4. Check if the job is Exempt (optional).
  5. Check if this job is at a supervisor level (optional).

Step 4: Save the job code

In the Tool Box, click the save icon to save the new job code.

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