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  5. The job is incorrect for an employee and I have already kicked off the review. How can I update this?

The job is incorrect for an employee and I have already kicked off the review. How can I update this?

Once a review has been kicked off, an employee’s job assignment cannot be changed in a live review.  In order to correct job information, the administrator can delete the employee’s review and add them back to the cycle.   

Delete the performance review

Go to PerformanceReviewsAll Employee Reviews and find the employee’s review. Use the garbage can icon to delete. IMPORTANT:  All information will be lost when you delete a review.

Correct the employee information

To correct a job title, navigate to AdministrationEmployees and select the employee. Go to Job Information and then in the profile to make changes. Save.

Add the employee back into the cycle

To re-kick off the employee’s review with the correct information, go to Administration → Cycle-Based Reviews → Review Name → Manage icon. Navigate to the Employee Addition menu link. Search for the employee and check the box next to their name.   Save.

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