Step 1: Navigate to Review Templates module
Under the Administration tab in the left-hand menu, click Review Templates.
Step 2: Access review template to modify
Click on the review template’s name you would like to modify the ratings for.
Step 3: Access Ratings section
In the Tool Box, click Ratings. Ratings will define how the rating system is set up for a review template (e.g., 1-4, 1-5). This rating setup will apply to all rated sections, such as current goals, job duties, and performance competencies.
Step 4: Change the rating description
The default rating section includes these standard rating descriptions: unsatisfactory, needs improvement, meets job requirements, exceeds job requirements, and outstanding. To change the verbiage, click on the rating description. This will display a drop-down menu. Select custom. A new field will populate below, which will allow you to enter a custom rating description.
Step 5: Save changes
To save changes to a review template, click on the save icon in the Tool Box. We recommend periodically saving while making changes.