Utilizing Coaching Ideas

Coaching Ideas offer the appraiser suggestions for employee feedback to help improve performance in a specific area based on the rating assigned to a performance competency factor.

The appraiser can find a list of the coaching ideas in the Performance Competencies section by clicking on the lightbulb icon to the left of a competency factor.

A pop-up window will display with each standard competency factory and categorized for when it’s a strength or if improvement is needed.

For example, if the employee has a high rating for the competency factor Collects and Researches Data, the appraiser will have three coaching ideas that they can copy to the review by clicking on Copy to Review.

Once the appraiser has clicked Copy to Review, the coaching idea will display below the appraiser comments in the review. Coaching ideas can be deleted and modified by the appraiser.

If the development plan section is included in the review template, these coaching ideas will also display in that section.

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