Friday, October 21st, 2022
isolved version 8.20 includes information updates to the Time Off Request screen, Employee Change Log updates, and an enhancement to Enrollment Management.
- Updates to the Time Off Request screen
- Additions to the Employee Change Log
- Enrollment Management enhancement
Time Off Request updates
Screen updates to enhance usability
These changes only affect those clients still using Employee Self Service in Classic View. The Employee Self-Service > Time > Employee Calendar > Time Off Request screen has been updated to improve usability.
The Time Off Request screen now streamlines the employee view by showing the employee hours available after the pending request, including any other pending time off request(s) that have not yet been approved, in the Available After Request field.
Current and Next Year Plan balance information has been removed from the Time Off Request screen, but employees can still view their projected current and next year balances by navigating to the Time Off Balances screen.

Additions to the Employee Change Log
Pay Transactions Audit for deletions from Individual Time Entry and the Time Entry Grid
Did you know many employee-level changes are tracked and can be audited via the Employee Change Log? Navigate to Employee Admin Tools > Employee Utilities > Employee Change Log and select an employee form the Employee List. Enter a date range to see changes made during a specific timeframe and then select a table from the Table dropdown. Click the Filter button to see the results on your screen or select a Report Format (.pdf or Excel) and click the View Report button to export your data.
In addition to the 70+ tables already available to search within the Employee Change Log, this release gives you the ability to audit pay transactions that were deleted from both the Individual Time Entry and Time Entry Grid screens. A record will be included for each deleted transaction that shows what changes were made, when they were made, and who made them. These new tables are now available to search within the Employee Change Log:
- Time Entry Additional Check
- Time Entry Check
- Time Entry Check Deduction
- Time Entry Check Earning
- Time Entry Check Earning Labor
- Time Entry Garnishment
- Time Entry Check Tax
- Time Entry Manual Check
- Time Entry Regular Check

Enrollment Management Enhancement
Managed Enrollment employee access
The Managed Enrollment tab within Enrollment Management will honor Pay Group security when determining which employees a user will see on this screen. This is a great feature If you want to grant access to managers and supervisors to become involved in the approval process for employee benefits.
For more information about the changes in the version 8.20 release, contact your Payroll Specialist.
Download the release notes
Download the release notes: isolved Product Release v8.20