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Training & Development Catalog Update!

June – August 2024

Get ready for our new and improved course catalog

We are excited to announce an enhancement to our training and development offering. Over the summer, we are implementing a new and improved course catalog for you and your employees.

  • Easier access to updated content. The new catalog will consist of content from 140+ publishers.
  • A restructured main course catalog will contain generally applicable core content. More content outside the safety catalog and harassment-prevention courses will be available in Spanish. You will also have access to multiple languages beyond Spanish.
  • New delivery modes. Everyone learns differently depending on multiple factors, including learning style and bandwidth. Therefore, it is essential to provide diverse delivery styles. The course format will include videos, book summaries, articles, podcasts, microlearning and other methods.

Below is a high-level overview of the transition and content rollout plans.

Phase 1 is Complete: Content launching June 2024

  • HR compliance
  • Self-paced harassment-prevention training
  • Cybersecurity and data security
  • Environmental, health and safety

Phase 2 in Progress: Content launching July 2024

  • Business skills
  • Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
  • Leader development
  • Certification resources

Phase 3: Content launching August 2024

  • Spanish
  • Technology
  • Microsoft Office
  • Wellbeing

Phase 4: Retirement of all content from former content vendor Aug. 30, 2024

What to learn more?

Click the links below to register for one of our upcoming weekly webinars!

During these sessions we will review the exciting changes, showcase admin resources available, and discuss the transition plan for each catalog. There are for administrators leading your company’s training initiatives.

Be on the lookout for additional communication regarding the impact on your existing curriculum.

Please reach out to your Insperity Customer Success Specialist with any questions or concerns. Thank you for allowing Insperity to be a trusted resource, and we look forward to continuing to support you.

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