Friday, December 31st, 2021
The final isolved release of 2021 will be available when you log in on Friday, December 31st, 2021. Most of the changes in this version are calculation updates to help the Insperity ACA and tax teams process year-end forms for you, but you will see a new look for Corrective Actions and enhancements to support Portland local taxes.
- The Corrective Actions screen has been updated to the multi-record view to review and edit occurrences, actions, and authorities more easily.
Payroll & Tax
- Employers can now withhold additional Portland, OR local taxes as a courtesy to employees who reside there, even if they do not have work locations in the area.
Corrective Actions has an updated look
Add, edit, and delete existing occurrences, actions, and authorities more easily
While the functionality of the Corrective Actions screen has not changed, it looks a little different. You can still find it on the HR Management menu under Client Management. It has the same streamlined multi-record view as the Eligibility Rules and Client Email Templates, making it easier to find, edit and delete existing records.

These changes will be applied automatically.
Payroll & Tax
Courtesy local tax withholding for residents of Portland, OR
Designate withholding of the Multnomah County PFA and Portland Metro SHS Taxes at the employee level
Prior to this release, employers needed to have a work location in Portland or Multnomah County, Oregon in order to withhold the Multnomah County Preschool for All (PFA) and Portland Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) taxes from employees who reside in those jurisdictions. After this release, employers can withhold those taxes as a courtesy to employees even if they don’t have work locations there. Since these taxes are based on where employees live, employees working from home in Portland or Multnomah County may ask their employers to withhold these taxes from each check so they don’t owe it all when they file their personal Portland tax returns.
You will now see the option to add these taxes on the Additional Taxes tab of the Tax Information screen for employees who live in these jurisdictions.
For questions about these changes, contact your Payroll Specialist.
isolved University
For more information, review these updated articles in isolved University:
- Corrective Actions –
Download the release notes
Download the release notes: isolved Product Release v7.24