Add employee to a live review cycle

After your cycle has been launched, you can add additional employees to the review cycle.

Under the Administration tab, select the Cycle-Based Reviews tab in the left-hand menu.

To the far right of the review cycle that the employee is a part of, click on the Manage Icon.

In the Tool Box, click the Employee Addition link.

Enter the employee’s information

  1. Enter the employee’s last name, first name, and/or employee ID#.

    Note: You do not have to enter all three fields and you can also enter just the first few letters of the employee’s name.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Select the employee’s name.
  4. Click the save icon in the Tool Box.

Note: If a new employee was added to the system via integration or manually under the Administration > Employees section, they will not be automatically added to a live review cycle.

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