Friday, October 1st, 2021
isolved version 7.18 will be available when you log in on Friday, October 1, 2021. This release includes the ability to allow organization managers or supervisors to view other managers and supervisors in a similar role.
- Users can designate which organization managers and supervisors have the ability to view peers in Employee Self-Service (ESS)
Organization Managers and Supervisors can now view their Peers
Control whether managers and supervisors in the same department or organization level can view each other
An enhancement has been made to allow organization managers or supervisors to see their peers. Prior to this release, if multiple employees managed or supervised the same department, they would be considered peers and could not view each other’s records. In this release, you have the option to allow them to see each other in their manager or supervisor role in Employee Self-Service (ESS).
Under Employee Management > Employee Maintenance > Organization Supervisor/Manager, a new checkbox called View Peers has been added.

For example, Riley Baldino is in Division 01 and manages Division 01. Alicia Brown is also in Division 01 and manages Division 01. When View Peers is not checked for Riley Baldino and Alicia Brown, they will not see each other in their Manager role in Employee Self-Service (ESS). If you check View Peers for Riley Baldino, he will then be able to see Alicia Brown, even though she is also in Division 01 and manages Division 01. If you also check View Peers for Alicia Brown, she will then be able to see Riley Baldino in her Manager role.
If you would like supervisors and managers of the same organizations to view each other, you will need to edit their Organization Supervisor/Manager record and check View Peers. It will not be enabled automatically with the release.
isolved University
For more information, review these updated articles in isolved University:
- Organization Manager/Supervisor –
Download the release notes
Download the release notes: isolved Product Release v7.18