What is planning in Organizational Management? The planning module in Insperity® Organizational Planning is a key tool in modeling “what if” scenarios for potential organizational changes...
Guide to planning Creating a new plan To create a new plan, select the New Plan icon that is shown at the top...
Creating and managing Groups in OrgPlus planning Just like folders, Groups are a way to organize your plans in the planning module. Adding a Group To create...
Plan status meanings in OrgPlus planning What does the plan status mean? There are five default plan status indicators used in the planning module; Active, In...
Configuring plan status settings in OrgPlus Planning When in Planning, plan properties allow the ability to select a plan status. The plan status displays the name of...
I have made changes to a plan, and now I would like to copy that plan and continue and make additional changes. Copying plans is useful when making some baseline changes to the chart in planning mode then creating different scenarios from...
Why can I not open a plan for just part of my organization using the New Plan button on the Manage Plans page? When you want to create a new plan, first decide if the plan is for the entire chart or only...