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  2. Insperity® Time and Attendance
  3. Time Off Requests & Accruals
  4. Can I see a list of all of my accrual (PTO) transactions for the year?

Can I see a list of all of my accrual (PTO) transactions for the year?

The Time and Attendance system makes it easy to see a list of transactions throughout the year. This becomes very helpful when there is question about how a resulting balance was calculated. To see this list, open the Accrual Summary page, and move to the Transactions tab.

Once the Transactions tab is open, use the drop downs to select the Accrual Type (the Accrual Plan that you wish to review), and set the Date Range to the “Current Year”. Then click the GO button.

Supervisors who wish to review their employees’ transactions details may follow the same steps once the employee has been selected in the main Employee drop down.

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