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  4. Is there a way to sort or filter my employees on the approvals page?

Is there a way to sort or filter my employees on the approvals page?

Both filtering and sorting options are available and recommended for use, located at the top right of the Approvals page. It is especially helpful for system administrators is to sort by “Supervisor”, and filter by one of the “Unapproved” options to quickly see who still needs approval, and which supervisor to follow-up with. Please see the section titled “Reviewing the Approvals Page” for more information on the sorting and filtering options.

Alternatively, a more-specific filter can be set on the overall employee list on the main Time and Attendance screen prior to launching the Approvals page, which will, in turn, also filter the approvals page based on that list. This method is often used when there are multiple pay periods and therefore approvals must be done for separate groups of employees at varying times.

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