Matrix Managers

When an employee reports to multiple managers the employee will appear in multiple chart boxes (one reporting to each manager). You can easily navigate from one occurrence of the employee in the chart by selecting from a list of alternate managers. The alternate managers can be displayed either in a pop-up menu or directly in the employee’s box.

To select how Matrix Managers are displayed:

In the Workspace Toolbar, choose Options > Show > Matrix Managers.

  • If the Matrix Managers option has a checkmark, then alternate managers are displayed in the chart box itself.
  • If the Matrix Managers option does not have a checkmark, then a small arrow button is added to the lower right corner of the chart box.

To view an employee’s matrix managers:

  • If the Matrix Managers option is enabled, then managers are displayed in the employee’s chart box. You can click a matrix manager’s name to navigate to the alternate manager’s branch.
  • If the Matrix Managers option is disabled, then you must hover your mouse over the arrow button in the employee’s chart box, then click the alternate manager to navigate to the alternate manager’s branch.

See Hierarchy and special function fields in OrgPlus for configuring Matrix Managers in your system.

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